Monday, May 28, 2012

Just Say No To Timeshare Tours

Here's some humor for the day about the dreaded timeshare tour. Yes even South Park took a jab at one of those high pressure presentations where you get stuck listening to seedy salespeople pitch their timeshare offering. All so typical of those things is the "catch" that keeps you captive to them long after agreed upon.

While I must confess I am not a huge fan of South Park, haven't all of us who have owned timeshare for awhile been badgered and bothered by such kinds of salespeople? Take a tour, get xyz and once you get there you find it's difficult to find an escape route?

Sometimes the freebies attract people to these presentations. Sure the free deals sound great but believe me they are giving them out because they hope the end result is that you will buy their more often than not overpriced offering and they will make a sale.

My advice is "Just Say No To Timeshare Tours". It's the surest way to avoid high pressure and overpaying for a timeshare. Saying no is also guaranteed to make you enjoy more vacation time and less time in front of someone who doesn't want to let you leave without selling something.

The wisest and most savvy way to buy a timeshare is to buy a previously loved one. That is to buy from an owner on the resale market. You will find the best deals there and the prices are already depreciated from the high priced offerings on timeshare tours.

Looking for a reasonably priced Florida Timeshare for your family's use, enjoyment or exchange? Don't overpay and buy right! I would be happy to assist you in finding the perfect timeshare property for you to own without breaking the bank.

What's better? I promise no high pressure, honesty and integrity and no seedy sales tactics like these dudes on South Park!

I'm here to help! Feel free to contact me anytime.